XAPK installer for Android
With XAPK Installer, you can directly install all APK and XAPK files with one tap. Also, the latest version of XAPK Installer supports Split APKs(App Bundle) files installation. With this, it allows you to install the latest format of XAPK files.
Don't know that is an XAPK file?
Let me tell you .XAPK Is A New File Format Consist Of Both Apk And OBB.It Is Similar To The Standard. APK Format, But May Contain Other Assets Used By The App, Such As An. OBB File, Which Stores Graphics, Media Files, And Other App Data. XAPK Files Are Used For Distributing Apps On Third-party Android App Download Websites
Don't know how to install an XAPK file?
Don't worry XAPK installer is available for you convenience
Just install this app and select the XAPK file you want to install
This app will do the extra work for you
no need to extract the XAPk
you just have to select and click in install
and the installation process will begin automatically with no more steps
Say goodbye to the Android APK OBB Installing error problem, XAPK Installer makes that easier and faster than ever.
• Scan and preview all .apk file on your phone and SD Card
• Delete or install APK, XAPK ( APK with cache data or OBB file) automatically
• Download XAPK, APK free online with your Android phone and tablet
Forget about the weird install errors you got once in a while because the obb files were missing or because of other unknown reasons. The XAPK Installer makes installing any app an easier, faster and more reliable process for your Android device.
Why do you need a special installer for this format? Because Google doesn’t officially recognize the XAPK format yet, since the Android community created it. And yet, it is the most reliable format around!
Scan and preview all .apk files on both your phone and SD Cards. Manage all your install files as you wish, by deleting the ones you don’t want or installing the ones you need. The XAPK Installer does everything you need and more!
Get rid of the install errors of the past, download the XAPK Installer for your Android device and make your life much easier with a smoother user experience.
XAPK Installer for PC is available that allows you to install .apk files from Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8. 8.1 to Android devices
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